So all u need are:
these are the products that i used |
a lip liner
a mate lipstick(color of your choice)
a moisturizing lipstick(same color as the mate)
a lip gloss matching ur lipstick color
a neutral color lip gloss
and a brush/ lip gloss aplicator
Next take your lip liner and start out lining your lips. Make sure you go beyond your actual lip line to give the illusion of fuller and plum lips. Be careful you do not want to over do it.
Now take your mate lipstick
and apply it on your lips.
Next take your moisturizing lipstick and
apply on top of the mate lipstick.
Now take your lip gloss
and apply on your lips
over the lipstick
Now take the neutral color lip gloss
and apply it onto the cupid's bow
and center of bottom lips.
Lastly take your brush
and blend in the lip gloss
full and attractive lips instantly