Sunday, August 23, 2015

Lookbook: Shades of blue.

Hi all how was your weekend mine was  a real lazy one, for the first time in a year I guess we spent the entire weekend at home being lazy. That had been a distant dream ever since I had my second kid but luckily she co operated this time. Our weekends are usually busy sometimes busier than the weekdays shopping, dining, attending even, parties, visiting places, small trips or friends coming over something or the other but this weekend we decided to just rest. We spent Saturday watching tv, playing with the kids, and sleeping got food delivered so no cooking and hubby took care of the kids' food so I literally had a day off. Today that is Sunday did some cooking, ditched the diet and exercise and made some spicy chicken and polao. I wanted to put this post up in the morning but didn't want to even open the laptop finally after a nice dinner and the kids all asleep I am working on the post while indulging in some delicious cheese cake factory cake and watching some tv at the same time this is my me time I call it. What a perfect weekend.